2024 凹 槽 英文 oppai - 0707.pl

凹 槽 英文 oppai

更多网络例句 与凹相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]. The results show that, when the fuel supply position is located at the forebody of cavity, the jet flow of fuel supply has certain damage to vortex, and when the fuel supply injection is located at the afterbody of cavity, the jet flow of fuel supply has no damage to vortex 凹槽;槽刨: fillister 【電機工程】 凹槽;溝;排屑槽: flute 【電機工程】 槽楔材料: slot wedge material 【電機工程】 環形凹槽: ring groove 【電機工程】 土地與凹槽: land and groove 【電子計算機名詞】 圓筒凹槽: cylinder gap 【電子計算機名詞】 凹槽型天線罩

【大尺寸】 全套共5本 凹槽練習本 控筆訓練 兒童練字本 英文練字

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凹槽 - English translation – Linguee